So our DSL internet is FINALLY up and running in South Bend, yahoo! And just in time to share this absolutely adorable photo I took of Leo a few days ago, smiling up at the black & white animals I velcroed to the bar above his portable crib. He just loves them, and will smile up at them when we place him in there during the day. Anywho, it's definitely the cutest picture we've taken of him, and might appear on his birth annoucements if we ever get around to sending some out.
Leo had his two month visit with the pediatrician's practice that was recommended to us here today, and is now a whopping 14 pounds 14 ounces. Yeah - that's in the 97th percentile for his age. And he's between the 85th and 90th percentile for his length. Big big boy!

The new practice seems good, the doc examined him while he was on my lap, which was really nice. And Leo barely freaked out while getting his shots - just a brief wail then done.

Leo has had quite the social life in the last two weeks - got to meet his cousins Thomas and Elizabeth while at Grandma's in Missouri, then hang out with Grandpa here last weekend. And it looks like Gram is on tap to visit this weekend, and then maybe Grandma will drive up the weekend after! Grandparents everywhere!!!! :) And he just loves it. And so do we.
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