We headed back to Babies R Us today and did some more registry work. Kinda felt like we knew what we were doing there this time! I mean kinda. Not really. But it was still productive.
In other fun developments, I'm starting to enjoy those lovely Braxton-Hicks contractions. For the uninitiated, they're like training contractions, normal at this stage. So every once in a while it feels like my ab muscles are doing sit-ups without telling me. Then my belly feels like a rock. That's right, rock hard abs. Yeah, not really. But that's what I tell myself anyway. Other than that, the world keeps on turning, and my little Scooter keeps on kicking. Alot.....
Look at you, all adorable and pregnant! And welcome to the world of braxton-hicks. Good times! I remember all the water I had to drink to keep them from turning into the real thing. Makes me have to pee just thinking about it. Heehee...
Ah, the beautiful glow of a pregnant woman - you look great!!!
You are just radiant!
PS - that previous comment was from me, Sarah, not Victor. He, too, would think you were radiant but would phrase it in more of a fraternal fashion. ;)
What is all this about shining and rock hard abs. Man Pregnancy sounds hard and scary. You light up and do internal crunches... freaky man. Is the crest on scooter's trunk a family thing?
Ps- you do look great, but in a hot mom kinda way
Thanks Rinnie, I've always hoped for the 'hot momma' look. The crest on the box isn't a old family crest or anything, just has that look. Byron designed it to look sort mideval.
You are one hot mama to be, Elise! I am soo happy for you and Byron. Thank you for sharing your blog with me. I miss ur humor. You look fabulous!!! hugs! Mara
Elise! I just discovered this invitation in FB! Oh my goodness! Congratulations, you look beautiful! I'm so happy for you and Byron!!!
You look FAB! It'll be here before you know it! are you having a shower?
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