Last week, we enjoyed a balmy 6 days down in Florida, soaking up the delicious beach sun while Chicago enjoyed -6 degree weather. So here is my 19 weeks photo, on the beach. Hee hee. Note the lovely tent effect of my swim top. But alas, the lovely weather did not follow us back to Chicago. Welcome back - here's 6 inches of snow! And arctic wind! Hooray!
In other fun developments, the Mixed Martial Artist currently in residence in my middle area started showing off his/her moves last Friday. We were enjoying our standard wild-and-crazy Friday night schedule (What Not To Wear, Numbers) when I felt a real, honest to god *whack* in the lower abdominal area. I made what Byron described as a 'panicked laughing sound' then felt three more whacks in the same place. It was a surreal experience that I have a hard time describing. I'll admit, it made me tear up a bit. Since then I've felt kick/punches/elbows a couple times each day, usually at night when lounging on the couch.
On a different note, we've been very entertained at the way all of our parents very solemnly tell me to take care of myself. With the clear implication that they really just want me to take care of the grandkid. Me, I'm expendable. But the kid must be protected. I'm just a carrier. Then again, that makes the kid sound like a virus.
Tomorrow we have my 20 week midwife appointment and then *drumroll please* the ultrasound! (Merry Christmas to us!) So we'll see what we can see, if you know what I mean. After some back and forth, we've decided to find out the sex, makes life easier on those poor grandparents who are dying to purchase baby paraphernalia. Don't worry loyal readers, I'll let you know what it is. We might even show off a video or something....
1 comment:
Ahh, Florida! How lovely! And so exciting, kicks and ultrasounds! Can't wait to hear how it goes.
Just wait until you can actually see the kicks on your belly. That's super cool, and super weird. :-)
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